WISE Promo Video from past technical session on Cannabis.
WISE Mentoring Program
I am so glad you are interested in our Women in Safety Excellence Mentor Program.
First of all, the Women in Safety Excellence have a Community page dedicated to the events and programs available. It is a private group and requires only that you are a member of WISE to access it. Wise Community on ASSP’s Community Page
There are other public ways to reach wise on social media as well:
Next, We love our mentors and mentees and our next match will be in February 2024! So Perfect timing.
If you are interested, please complete the application on the ASSP web site or try the link below.
At Bay Area Safety Symposium 2024, we will be presenting a mentee round table that you will not want to miss!
Guidelines for WISE Mentors and Mentees
- You must be an member of ASSP and WISE to participate in this program
- We hold all information exchanged between matched pairs for mentoring in strict confidence; applications are viewed only by the matching committee
- Mentors and mentees should commit to at least one hour per month for meeting, by phone, e-mail or in person
- Teams will be matched for one year with an option to extend for a second year if both parties agree
- Mentors are not expected to provide employment or business opportunities for mentees — just life lessons, advice, coaching and mentoring
- Please let me know if you have any other questions!