November 20, 2024 | WISE Friendsgiving

  •  November 20, 2024
     5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

The Friendsgiving event, hosted by WISE, is a time for exchanging ideas, recipes, and treats to get into the holiday spirit. Please RSVP to obtain the ingredients list and select your preferred room, which helps us with planning. Also, join us in the main lounge for trivia, music, and creative collaborations, all thanks to our resident WiSE at GSJC.

Be sure not to miss the finaleā€”a Safety Scavenger Hunt scheduled ten minutes before the event’s conclusion, featuring a cash prize and WISE swag. Keep an eye out for upcoming emails.

Time Nov 20, 2024, 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Registration Link – Click here.

Once you are registered, you may RSVP to a specific room or submit your own recipes for the event – here.