The mission of the Greater San Jose Chapter of ASSP shall be to serve as the means to enhance the status and promote the advancement of all safety disciplines; foster the technical, scientific, and managerial knowledge and skills of all safety and health professionals; and support the technical, social, and economic well-being of all safety and health practitioners in the Greater San Jose area.
Use the Contact Us page to email the chapter leadership team.
Mary Stine, MS, ASP
President Elect
Melinda Anderson, MS, CSP
Julie Kreger King, CSP
Ramon Khu, CSP
VP Membership Director
Tyler Nguyen, CSP
VP Government Affairs
Dawn Armstrong MS, CSP, CIE
Chapter Advisory Member
Pat Hinds, CSP, CHMM
Chapter Advisory Member
Joe Gregory
Communications Chair
Nirap Sainju, CSP, CHMM
Program Chair
Mary Harvey, MS, CSP, CHMM
PDC Chair
Jay Jamali, CSP, CHMM
Jobs Coordinator Chair
Naci Ozgur
Scholarship and Awards and Honors Chair
Emily Hellman, CSP
WISE Chair
Mary Stine, MS, ASP
Social Event Chair
Past President
Nirap Sainju, CSP, CHMM
Area Director
Wesley S Lashbrook, CSP, CIH
Region 1 VP
Justin Molocznik, CSP, CHST